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 my first one

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4 participants
pierre "moon"

Nombre de messages : 473
Date d'inscription : 15/08/2005

my first one Empty
MessageSujet: my first one   my first one EmptyMer 1 Nov - 1:56

my first one Rflushvj9

PokerStars Game #6843627976: Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit ($0.02/$0.05) - 2006/10/31 - 17:43:51 (ET)
Table 'Geisei' 9-max Seat #3 is the button
Seat 1: pfurious ($4.95 in chips)
Seat 2: Sam P. ($6 in chips)
Seat 3: Iron_Owl ($2.40 in chips)
Seat 5: Tolomeo357 ($7.24 in chips)
Seat 6: smartguy69 ($8.32 in chips)
Seat 7: JOELEAN ($14.01 in chips)
Seat 9: pierre_le ($9.77 in chips)
Tolomeo357: posts small blind $0.02
smartguy69: posts big blind $0.05
ChuChuMon: sits out
Sam P.: posts big blind $0.05
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to pierre_le [my first one A3 my first one K3 my first one J4 my first one 93]
JOELEAN: calls $0.05
pierre_le: calls $0.05
pfurious: calls $0.05
Sam P.: checks
Iron_Owl: calls $0.05
Tolomeo357: calls $0.03
smartguy69: checks

*** FLOP *** [my first one 62 my first one T6 my first one J3]
Tolomeo357: checks
smartguy69: checks
JOELEAN: checks
pierre_le: bets $0.20
pfurious: folds
Sam P.: folds
Iron_Owl: calls $0.20
Tolomeo357: calls $0.20
smartguy69: folds
JOELEAN: folds

*** TURN *** [my first one 62 my first one T6 my first one J3] [my first one Q5] nice turn
Tolomeo357: checks
pierre_le: bets $0.20
Iron_Owl: folds
Tolomeo357: calls $0.20

*** RIVER *** [my first one 62 my first one T6 my first one J3 my first one Q5] [my first one 85]
Tolomeo357: bets $0.80
pierre_le: raises $1 to $1.80
Tolomeo357: folds
pierre_le collected $2.85 from pot
pierre_le: shows [Ac Kc Jd 9c] (HI: a Royal Flush)

*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.95 | Rake $0.10
Board [6h Tc Jc Qc 8s]
Seat 9: pierre_le collected ($2.85)
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Nombre de messages : 502
Age : 47
Localisation : Strasbourg
Date d'inscription : 01/12/2005

my first one Empty
MessageSujet: Re: my first one   my first one EmptyMer 1 Nov - 14:15

nice hand mon ami !thumright
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On a draw
On a draw

Nombre de messages : 344
Age : 40
Localisation : Strasbourg
Date d'inscription : 07/10/2005

my first one Empty
MessageSujet: Re: my first one   my first one EmptyMer 1 Nov - 20:29

ta première, tu joues pas assez mon ptit Pierrot!!!
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Nombre de messages : 848
Age : 47
Localisation : Mulhouse City
Date d'inscription : 09/12/2005

my first one Empty
MessageSujet: Re: my first one   my first one EmptyJeu 2 Nov - 11:28

dommage que y'ai 2.85 et pas 30.000 dollars dessus
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my first one Empty
MessageSujet: Re: my first one   my first one Empty

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my first one
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